The Raiders Manager’s role Being a Raiders Manager requires commitment, time and effort but it’s a rewarding role. How you run your team is...
Becoming a Manager So… you want to become a Raiders Manager? Here is what is involved. Criminal Record Checks (CRC) The FA requires...
Communicating with players and parents Managing a team successfully means that you need to work closely with the parents. Any issues arising with the team...
Kit and equipment Before the start of each season, Managers are asked to request kit and equipment for the forthcoming season. Look after...
Squad selection at Raiders A major challenge for each age group is to organise players into team squads. It’s important that both managers and...
Team selection, availability and equal playing time Ask parents for their child’s availability well in advance (i.e. several weeks). This enables you to select which players are...
Preparing for match day As manager, you will need to confirm with the opposition (normally at the start of the week) where you will...
Finding a referee, the laws of the game For some age groups, League referees are allocated to games, but don’t expect a man or woman in black at...
Pre match checklist For those people who always turn up at the match and have forgotten something…… it’s worth creating a pre-match checklist! Here’s...
Match Day… when Saturday or Sunday comes You’ve confirmed the fixture, the players and parents know where and when they need to be there…. And you’ve not...
Injuries, defibrillators, emergencies & concussion All Raiders Managers must have completed the FA Level 1 Introduction to First Aid in Football. It provides the knowledge, practical...
Managers’ meetings There are Managers’ Meetings during the season which you are “required” (or strongly encouraged…) to attend. We give a general...
Red Cards, Yellow Cards, Suspensions… At some stage in your Raiders management career (and certainly in the older age groups), your players will be on...
COVID-19 : Terms & Risk Assessments & Training Guidance BERKHAMSTED RAIDERS COVID-19 : Please find below Risk Assessments and Player Guidance for the return to football from 1st August...